The Naracoorte High School is located in the South East of South Australia on picturesque grounds, equipped with expansive playing fields, basketball courts, tennis courts and a large agricultural facility. We are an International Education Services (IES) accredited school and welcome international students who add to our rich cultural diversity and provide opportunities for our school community to gain international perspectives. International education enriches learning for both the students from overseas and the host school. By hosting students from overseas, we bring an additional diversity of world experience into the classroom and school community, enhancing our students’ understanding of languages and cultures and world perspectives.
We value the traditions of the school and resource our students’ well to access contemporary educational opportunities for learning. Our professional teaching and ancillary staff are highly skilled in their subject areas and support students’ academic success across an extensive range of subjects. International students enrolling at Naracoorte High School have the following individualised support services provided:
Regional Study Abroad Program
This is the most popular option for students choosing to study in regional locations. These students come as fee-paying students, usually for three, six or twelve months and live in Government organised and approved homestay accommodation. Study Abroad students can choose from academic or learning from experience programs. For further information, please visit the South Australian Government Schools website and express a preference for Naracoorte High School. Your child might like to join our school’s Outdoor Education program and/or participate in the general secondary school offerings.