Naracoorte High School

Flexible Pathways

School Based Apprenticeships (SBNA)

Naracoorte High School supports students undertaking a range of school-based apprenticeships or traineeships. A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship allows students to attend school while working and studying as an apprentice or trainee.

As a school-based apprentice or trainee, students have an employer who will employ and train then on the job while continuing with formal off-job training through a training provider.

Enrolling in a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship has a number of benefits including:

  • your training will contribute towards your SACE (or equivalent)
  • you will start your chosen career or trade while you are at school
  • you will earn money while you learn
  • you will get experience in the trade or vocation of your choice
  • your school-based training will convert to full-time or part-time when you leave school.

Students usually attend school part of the week, go to work on some days and attend a training provider on others. We provide flexibility within our timetable for students undertaking SBNAs and also offer the Naracoorte High School Independent

Learning Centre for students requiring further flexible options to gain their SACE.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Naracoorte High School offers Vocational Education and Training (VET) which enables students to acquire skills and knowledge for work. We work in partnership with TAFE SA and other Registered Training Organisations to offer a range of Certificate II and III courses at school.

Students at Naracoorte High School have the opportunity to access VET offerings at a range of schools within the Limestone Coast, through the TAFE SA campus in Mount Gambier and through work placements locally.

Naracoorte High School supports students through identifying a range of pathways post-school. Students accessing VET at school are equipped with skills that meet the needs of the future workforce while gaining SACE recognition.

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